5 Act of Kindness

WarisUl Hassan
3 min readDec 11, 2020
  1. Smile 🙂✨
Smile because it’s a sunnah
  • “Peace begins with a smile.”. We do not know who is going through hard phase so we should smile more often. The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress. It is a beautiful therapy😌.
  • A Smile at a stranger can change his/her life ❣️.

2. Providing food for the poor 🙌🥗🥘

Giving food to the poor is a beautiful act of kindness

In Ramadan sharif, I was thinking to help someone, the easiest way for me was to give money but then I realized that some poor people do not need money but food. So, I bought some biryani and kebab and went to some poor places near my hometown (Multan). I found an old man who was sitting in a park and he seems a little hungry to me I went up to him and gave him the packet of biryani and kebab. He was so happy that I can not express it in words🙏. At that time I could feel my eyes were getting wet. That was a moment of eternal satisfaction for me.

3. Giving tea to a security guard☕👮‍♂️

I didn’t had a real picture😁

I lived in a colony and there is a guard who looks after our street the whole night. I gave him chai (Tea) and two boiled eggs beacause it was very cold outside. I believe no one has ever become poor by giving.

4. Gave batting to my juniors😎🏏

We were playing in a cricket and i always come as an opener because i have a lot of experience and good batting average but yesterday i ask myself that if i were a junior and didn’t get a chance of batting then i’ll feel bad and sad, so i decided to leave my place and allowed my junior to open batting. He just loved that and enjoyed alot. It was an act of kindness for me.

Myself holding the bat😉

5. I appreciated my brother🙌

Today, my younger brother was insisting to show me some video that he made while playing video game, I said “Alright! show me what you have made?”. He showed me the screen recording of his gameplay of PUBG mobile. I laughed in my heart😂 but did not wanted him to feel ashamed about that, So i appreciated him of his beautiful and creative gameplay. I consider it as an act of kindness because he was so happy after hearing my compliment for him😉🙂.




WarisUl Hassan

Self taught piano guy, love to travel and love to spread love❣️🙌